Monday, October 3, 2011


In one of my previous blogs, I wrote about my favorite local bands. The reason I love local bands so much is that they have so much more passion and creativity when it comes to music. They also tend to have less drama because they are not in it for the money, but for the art itself.

I was just informed that one of my favorite local bands, Stay, is basically falling apart. They started to become more mainstream and someone sold them out (one of their friends from another band). That caused a lot of inner band drama, causing the drummer to leave. It literally broke my heart. I know these guys personally and they all used to be so into the music. Once they signed with a Japanese record label, things just went downhill. That happens with a lot of local bands in Boston- they sign with a Japanese record label and then problems happen. It is almost like a curse.

I feel so bad for the drummer. This band started when he was in high school (only a couple years ago). It was a little bit of a reminder to me that nothing is forever and we do not always know what is going on behind the scenes. People look at musicians like they're invincible, but they are people too.

Here's the last music video from this band. This was the band before all of the new people came in, when they swore they would never sign to a label.