Saturday, November 26, 2011

Make New Friends, But Keep the Old

I never thought that I would make so many friends during my college experience. I am not even done with first semester and I already have the most amazing friends. I hate to say it, but I feel as if I am losing my old friends to my new ones. My new friends are the most loyal people I have ever met and we are incredibly close. It could be because we live together, but I know that I will have these people around for a while.

Every year, I have Halloween and Christmas parties for my friends at my house. It is tradition and I absolutely love it. This year has been a little different. Now I'm having the get together in my dorm room primarily with my college friends. Some of my old friends are considering coming. It is amazing how things can change within a matter of months.

I am not trying to make it seem as if any of these people are bad people; I have just lost touch with most of my high school friends. People I never thought I would lose are now gone. It is a sore subject with me. During this holiday break, I was going through my Youtube videos and found a video I made for all of my friends within the past year. It was hard to watch considering I have lost a few of those friends to drugs and alcohol. I am straight edge, meaning I do not drink, smoke, or do drugs. It is something I strongly believe in and I do not like to surround myself with people that drink or do drugs. These people were like family to me for so long, and as soon as I left they turned to drugs. It kills me, but there is not much more I can do. I offered my helping hand, but it was not accepted. (Here is the video of my old friends, unfortunately the audio was taken out).

My college friends aren't like my high school friends. These people will do anything for me, and I could not love them any more.

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